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【推坑筆記】Serum made from Brocolli Sprout?! Truly impressed with Greenvines!

By:Princess Neverland

viewed 3303

Anti-aging is a life-long battle, and I have been trying every way to win it!
I have been using all types of anti-aging skin care products diligently since I was 24, and I believe that all these products do make contribution in slowing down the ageing process.
I tried out Greenvines Antioxidant Serum recently (got it from again!) and would really love to recommend it to people with dry/combination skin type, it's super hydrating, I absolutely love it!

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

The packaging is very interesting that the serum sits in an eco-friendly paper box, which looks exactly like a lunchbox at the first glance.
The minimalist packaging is oddly aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching, brownie points for that!

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum is the best-selling product from Greenvines.
It is so popular to the extend that even make up artists used it on models during New York Fashion Week 2020!

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Formulated with broccoli sprouts, Greenvines Antioxidant Serum aims to rejuvenate tired, dull and haggard skin, hence giving a radiant and youthful complexion.
Do you know that sprout is the most bioactive plant form that you can ever find?
By using advanced sprout technology, Greenvines is able to deliver the maximum plant benefits to skin cells.

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

In addition, the serum is made from 100% vegan ingredients and 100% cruelty free, it's also free from harmful chemicals such as artificial fragrance and parabens.

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

The water-based serum is super lightweight and it has a gel-like consistency.
In terms of fragrance, the serum has a very mild and natural scent of plant, which I personally find it very soothing and calming.
The serum can be spread on skin easily and it only takes seconds for the product to be fully absorbed by skin, as shown in the following pictures.

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

Greenvines Antioxidant Serum

I'm truly impressed with the deep and long lasting hydrating effect that Greenvines Antioxidant Serum gives.
I used the serum day and night for 2 weeks and I'm glad to report that I have observed a great improvement on my skin hydration level.
My skin has become a lot softer and smoother!
Thanks to the deep hydration provided, my skin is getting healthier and more radiant, I'm looking forward to seeing a younger and firmer skin in the long run!

If you are interested to give Greenvines Antioxidant Serum a try, I would recommend you to get it from, they offer a reasonable price and fast delivery, not mentioning that they are having promotion from time to time!


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